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Player Representation

"Helping Athletes Make It To The Next Level."
"With our resources and connections, we're dedicated to finding our clients professional playing opportunities in various leagues."
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FCF logo
USFL logo
CIF logo
NAL logo
AFL logo
XFL logo
IFL logo
NBA logo

There are several benefits in having a Rep from our company...

* We help you find professional opportunities while you focus on getting better.

* We make DIRECT contacts to the professional teams (Owners, HCs, GMs, etc.) on your behalf. 

* There is NO MONTHLY FEE OR COST, we make money when you make money.

* Your player profile is published on a site that is seen across the world.

* We look for real opportunities so you guys don't waste time/money.

* We give you general advice on your highlight film, game play, etc.

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